The Peril of Platitudes

The 13th Sunday after Pentecost–August 18, 2013

Jeremiah 23:16-29

“Let him who has my word speak my word faithfully.” Vs. 28

      Jeremiah delivers a warning from the Lord.  False prophets are among the people.  They speak blandishments and platitudes.  The people of Judah and its capital Jerusalem were threatened with destruction at the hands of the Babylonians.  Jeremiah had prophesied that the coming destruction would be the wrath of God worked upon an unfaithful and rebellious people.  The false prophets contradicted Jeremiah by telling the people the Old Testament equivalent of “Don’t worry; be happy!”  They offered placation:  “It shall be well with you” & “No disaster shall come upon you” (vs. 17).

We know from the remainder of the biblical account that Jeremiah’s words were true prophecy.  The placating blandishments and platitudes of the false online casino prophets did kazinomons nothing to prepare the people for the disaster which the conquering Babylonians brought upon them.  If only they had known the vast gulf between God’s Word and human words… between the preaching of a true prophet and that of a false one.

In these modern, non-judgmental times, it seems so ancient, harsh, and out of touch to be concerned about whether the word which one receives is from a false prophet or a true one.  Still, when one is given custody of the Word of God, one must speak it faithfully.  The proper distinction of Law and Gospel still applies.  God’s Word, like fire and a hammer, still accomplishes God’s alien work of judging, condemning, and killing sinners; and it still accomplishes God’s proper work of raising those dead in their sins to new life in Christ.  During worship, the sermon still falls between the reading of the Gospel and the Apostles’ or Nicene Creeds.  You, the hearers, can listen for faithful proclamation as it’s held between God’s Word and the church’s confession of faith.

Table Talk:  Are false prophets still a danger?  Why or why not?
Pray: Heavenly Father, keep those who have your word faithful; amen

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